Cities>Haikou, Hainan>Baohua Theseas Apartments海口宝华海景公寓
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Cellname:Baohua Theseas ApartmentsTotalArea:
Address:No. 75, Binhai Avenue, Longhua DistrictYears:2012/5/1 0:00:00

Name:Baohua Theseas Apartments
Construction time: 2012-05-01
Address:No. 75, Binhai Avenue, Longhua District
Volume ratio: 5.84
Property type: Modern Apartment
Greening rate: 31% (green rate is high)
Property developer:HaiNan Zhonghui Property Development Co., Ltd.
Property company:Baohua Hotel Property Co., Ltd.
Property costs: 1.50 yuan / square meter /month

Near the CBD, fantastic location.Mainly high-rises, you can enjoy the beautifu
scenery.Contemporary design with all kinds of integrated appliances.It has
swimming pool and high-end pubs inside.

Cell name:Baohua Theseas Apartments
Address:No. 75, Binhai Avenue, Longhua District
Release date:2012/5/1 0:00:00
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