Cities>Wuhu,AnHui>Shimao Binjiang Garden 世茂滨江花园
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Cellname:Shimao Binjiang GardenTotalArea:
Address:No.3,Jiankang Road,Jinghu districtYears:2014/12/13 0:00:00
Name:  Shimao Binjiang Garden
Construction time: 2014-12-13
Address:No.3,Jiankang Road,Jinghu district    
Volume ratio: 3.01
Property type: Ordinary Residential      
Greening rate: 60% (green rate is high)
Property developer: Shimao Property Co,.Ltd
Property company: shimao Property management Co,.Ltd
Property costs: 1.80 yuan / square meter /month

Shi Mao Binjiang garden is located in Jinghu District, the compound is close to the
Yangtze River, the scenery along the river is very good, walking to the nearby
business district is also very convenient.

Cell name:Shimao Binjiang Garden
Address:No.3,Jiankang Road,Jinghu district
Release date:2014/12/13 0:00:00
House TypeMore
Rooms:2     RoomType:apartment
Monthly Rental:2200
Rooms:2     RoomType:apartment
Monthly Rental:3000
Rooms:3     RoomType:apartment
Monthly Rental:2500